Book your Consulting session


Dating, companionship, and self esteem boosting doesn’t have to be stressful, complicated, uncomfortable or a laborious task. I created my platform to help the past, present, and future generation of WOMEN and FEMMES in both dating and self esteem building. Everything I tell you is legal, everything I tell you I’ve personally experienced, and practiced myself. I’ve seen too many WOMEN and FEMMES shut out from this type of information and assistance. That changed with my platform. I believe EVERY WOMEN AND FEMME CAN ACHIEVE RESULTS!!! I don’t care if you are fat, short, tall, pretty, disabled, Trans, Black, Asian whatever as long as you are willing to do the work, invest in confidence building, and willing to practice things you’ve maybe never tried before. If so, then you too Sis can run his pockets and step into your power.

My platform isn’t just about monetary gain from men; it’s about the liberation and learning of ones self in order to gain what you deserve. If that is what you want then that is what I’m here to provide. My hope is that you take everything I say and apply it to not just your dating life but your everyday life in order to ultimately better yourself and blossom into the woman and/or FEMME you always knew you could be.

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Ever have the feelings you need one-on-one help or guidance specifically in your dating life and self esteem building journey? Many times when we are out dating especially when we are choosing to date in a way to put ourselves first we don’t have many people to turn to for help or feedback. And when we are on the path to discovery and acceptance of ourselves through the building of our self-esteem we don’t know where or how to start. One-on-One Consulting Sessions will assist you in unlocking your full potential, unveiling the things that work and don’t work and then unleashing things in you that you may or may not even know exist. Aranea Swat will be your one-on-one Consultant. In these sessions, I will help guide you, provide you with helpful tasks, give you feedback, and interpret what is working and isn’t working in order to get you to your ultimate goal. I’ll give you the tools on how to put your goals both short term and long term into action.

For further in-depth resources feel free to join the Runhispocketssis Patreon for written, audio, and video help.

There are several appointment options with different levels of time and depth of the mentoring and/or Consulting.

  • 30 Minute Consulting Session – In this session you and Aranea will review your submitted intake form (when applicable), give you a preliminary rundown of what your goals are/review previously discussed task, and answer basic questions. Your session can be audio recorded at your request and a copy of your session will be available for you to download by email.
  • 1 Hour Consulting Session – In this session, you and Aranea will review your submitted intake form (when applicable), give you a preliminary rundown of what your goals are/review previously discussed task, take inventory of what is working and isn’t working for you, and answer basic questions. You all will also set up a set of goals and task for you to try for your journey. Your session can be audio recorded at your request and a copy of your session will be available for you to download by email.
  • 1.5 Hour Consulting Session – In this session, you and Aranea will review your submitted intake form (when applicable), give you an in-depth rundown of what your goals are/review previously discussed task and how to successfully achieve them, take inventory of what is working and isn’t working for you, and answer your questions. This session is great for one-on-one help with things like online profile building and feedback, specific dating event interpretation, and self esteem support. Your session can be recorded at your request and a copy of your session will be available for you to download by email.
  • 2 Hour Consulting Session – In this session, you and Aranea will review your submitted intake form (when applicable), give you an in-depth rundown of what your goals are/review previously discussed task and how to successful achieve them, take inventory of what is working and isn’t working for you, and answer deep questions that will give you a fulfilling 2hour Q&A. This session is also great for one-on-one help with things like online profile building and feedback, specific dating event interpretation, and self esteem support. Your session can be recorded at your request and a copy of your session will be available for you to download by email.

Instructions to Schedule a Consulting Session with Aranea Swat:

  • Select your Consulting Session Package from the list above
  • Click the “Book your Consulting session” button
  • Find availability on Schedule and Book your Appointment
  • Complete Purchase
  • Be sure to fill in your name, number, email and IG handle (if applicable)
  • Receive Confirmation Email
  • Complete Consulting Intake Form that you will receive by email and return it by email at least 2hrs before your session for review.
  • Cancel Appointment no later than 24hrs in advance.